Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Podighai TV on Channellive
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Rainbow FM Live Online now - Enjoy
You can listen at or at
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Error during the configuration of the host: NFS Error: Unable to Mount filesystem The mount request was denied by the NFS server

I got the same error and this is what I did to solve the problem.
- First make sure you have the latest firmware for your ReadyNAS. My version is 4.1.4
- Login to your ReadyNAS and check if the NFS protocol is enabled Under Services - Standard File Protocols
- Create a New Share and Edit the share properties for NFS. The Root privilege-enabled hosts - enter the IP of the Kernel of the ESX server
- To verify the ESX server can see this share issue this command on the ESX command line showmount -e "ipaddressof readynas box". The shares should be listed.
- If the share is listed, go to the Add Storage on the ESX server and choose NFS option. Enter the IP address of the ReadyNAS box and for the folder enter /sharename (remember the /) and give a name for the data store.
Now this should work. Leave your comments below.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
NEWS - Chennai Passport Officer Arrested
Want to listen tamil radio on your iphone

1. Install the SHOUTcast Radio app from the iTunes store
Blackberry Dekstop Manager software looking for 8830.msi
I completely uninstalled and reinstalled the desktop manager and still the same error popped up. So I started my journey in finding this file on the internet. The user had a blackberry with verizon service. You can find 2 versions of the desktop manager software. One on blackberry's website and the other on Verizon website. I downloaded the Dektop manager from Verizon site and started the install. During the installation process I navigated to the following directory..see below..Ahh..I was able to to find the 8830.msi file.

As soon as the installation process is complete the installer deletes all the temp files including the 8830.msi setup file. . So I made a quick copy of this file. Now I launched the desktop manager and when it was looking for this particular file I pointed to the location and the error went away. Many people are facing this error and I thought writing this post may save some time for users searching a solution to this problem.
Few people may find this solution also useful - Message 28 of 29